Google Pay
Google Pay is a mobile payment and digital wallet service by Google that enables seamless online checkout experiences for payers. It can be used in Android apps and on the mobile web, with payment methods saved to a Google account or Android device. Google Pay is a supported mobile wallet in the CommWeb payment gateway.
This topic includes step-by-step integration steps for Google Pay. For more information about mobile wallets and their payment flow, see Mobile Wallets.
The following methods are supported:
Integration Methods | Payment Methods | Operations | Card Brands Supported |
To view examples of API requests for mobile wallet payments, download the postman collection.
Google Pay integration options
The following integration options are supported:
Hosted Checkout | Direct Payment |
To accept Google Pay payments:
- You must sign up with Google and create your merchant ID required for the Direct Payment integration method.
- Your merchant profile must be enabled by your payment service provider on the gateway for Device Payments.
- If you want the gateway to perform the decryption of the payment token, your merchant profile on the gateway must have the "Enable Decryption of Google Pay Device Payments" privilege required for the Hosted Checkout integration method, it is optional for Direct Payment.
- If you are using a white-labeled domain, contact your payment service provider to ensure it is enabled for Google Pay.
- If you are decrypting the payment token, ensure to get your integration approved by Google. Follow the instructions provided by Google for Android or Web.
Adding support for Google Pay to your integration
You can integrate Google Pay into your mobile app or the checkout page of your web site using Direct Payment. If you are using Hosted Checkout integration method, no additional integration steps are required.
If you want to decrypt the payment token on your server, see Decrypting the Payment Token.
- On payment confirmation, provide the following fields in the
object of the Google Pay API:type
Tokenization type. Set this to
Gateway identifier. Set this to
. You need to specify the CommWeb payment gateway as your your payment service provider in your app to allow the payment token generated by Google to be encrypted using the gateway's public key.gatewayMerchantId
Merchant's gateway ID. A unique merchant ID that the gateway can use to verify and identify the merchant when decrypting the payment token. This merchant ID must be the same as your
submitted on your gateway's API request.
On completion of the payer's interaction with the Google Pay user interface, you are provided with a payload that contains an encrypted payment token signed by Google. The payment token is issued for either a mobile wallet payment or a card payment.
You can specify whether you want the Google Pay API to return Funding Primary Account Numbers (FPANs) or Device Primary Account Numbers (DPANs). This can be useful if your acquirer does not support mobile wallet payments, in which case you can limit support to FPANs by settingallowedAuthMethods
to PAN_ONLY in theallowedPaymentMethods
object of the Google Pay API. - If needed, authenticate the payer by providing the following fields in the INITIATE AUTHENTICATION request.
order.walletProvider = GOOGLE_PAY
Google Pay mobile wallet provider.
Encrypted payment token obtained from the Google Pay SDK.
The gateway decrypts the payment token, and if it contains an FPAN, the INITIATE AUTHENTICATION request proceeds. If the payment token contains a DPAN, the request is rejected since 3DS authentication is not supported for DPANs. For more information about how to integrate to the gateway using 3DS, see 3D Secure Authentication.
The gateway supports 3DS authentication with Google Pay from DirectAPI version 53 and later. - Provide the following fields in the AUTHORIZE, PAY, or UPDATE SESSION request:
order.walletProvider = GOOGLE_PAY
Google Pay mobile wallet provider.
Total amount for the order. The value you provide must be the final amount of the order including shipping and other additional amounts.
Currency of the order.
Encrypted payment token obtained from the Google Pay SDK.
The gateway verifies the signature on the payment token to ensure it has been signed by Google. After verification, the gateway decrypts the payment token for you, validates the gateway identifier and the merchant's gateway ID in the payment token, and processes the transaction using the decrypted data.
AUTHORIZE request example for decryption in gateway
URL: '<version>/merchant/<merchant_ID>/order/<order_ID>/transaction/<transaction_ID>'
HTTP Method: PUT
'{ "apiOperation": "AUTHORIZE", "order": { "amount": "30.10", "currency": "USD", "walletProvider": "GOOGLE_PAY" }, "sourceOfFunds": { "provided": { "card": { "devicePayment": { "paymentToken"{\n \"protocolVersion\" : \"ECv1\",\n \"signature\" : \"MEYCIQCiSE4dCSwpXwJLo1lKYOZNmFyL...\",\n \"signedMessage\" : \"{\\\"encryptedMessage\\\":\\\"gTVbbw8Nsv4kTulngmSVsZijvS5x7sAM9UZiqyaKfjkqxxJ1pkqRvhWBFc4FnEiMm2rjUPlX55e0dUqI00iQwAfePuhrna...\\\",\\\"ephemeralPublicKey\\\":\\\"BKoBQYjYIEYgw9nzA+0Q06FD77ZhrOXQh9yNUX0LasjL2W9eMvWZ0pCGGRzPKZLCtk...\\\",\\\"tag\\\":\\\"fnZGEbpCkXzKU3xhS5u1E3c6OoB6RzkHbhHx58...\\\"}\"\n}" //This is only a sample token and will not pass validation. You should substitute this with an actual payment token returned from Google Pay. //The gateway considers this value to be a string, NOT JSON itself. The parenthesis are a part of the string. } } }, "type": "CARD" }, "device": { "ani": "12341234" }, "transaction": { "source": "INTERNET" } }'
In addition to the standard fields, the following response fields are returned for a successful authorization using the payment token, if the issuer successfully maps the DPAN to the FPAN:
- If the payload contains a DPAN for mobile wallet payments:
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.encryption = DEVICE
Encrypted by a payer's device such as a mobile phone.
6.4 masked DPAN.
Expiry month of the DPAN.
Expiry year of the DPAN.
Masked FPAN, usually 0.4 masked, where available from the acquirer.
Expiry month of the FPAN, where available from the acquirer.
Expiry year of the FPAN, where available from the acquirer.
Format of the cryptogram provided for the mobile wallet payment.
- If the payload contains an FPAN for Google Pay digital wallet payments:
sourceOfFunds.provided.card.encryption = DIGITAL_WALLET
Encrypted by a payer's digital wallet.
Masked FPAN, usually 0.4 masked, where available from the acquirer.
Expiry month of the FPAN, where available from the acquirer.
Expiry year of the FPAN, where available from the acquirer.
If you request for an unmasked PAN to be returned in the transaction response, the gateway returns an unmasked DPAN and FPAN depending on the acquirer support.
field to UNMASK, and authenticate your call to the API using certificate authentication.Example response in case of DPAN
{ "authorizationResponse": { "commercialCard": "123", "commercialCardIndicator": "1", "date": "0314", "financialNetworkCode": "MCC", "posData": "1025104006600", "posEntryMode": "812", "processingCode": "003000", "responseCode": "00", "stan": "45467", "time": "105002", "transactionIdentifier": "906660122", "transactionIntegrityClass": "A1" }, "device": { "ani": "12341234" }, "gatewayEntryPoint": "WEB_SERVICES_API", "merchant": "MADA_DMS_AU", "order": { "amount": 30.10, "authenticationStatus": "AUTHENTICATION_NOT_IN_EFFECT", "certainty": "FINAL", "chargeback": { "amount": 0, "currency": "USD" }, "creationTime": "2023-03-14T10:50:01.524Z", "currency": "USD", "id": "810663616", "lastUpdatedTime": "2023-03-14T10:50:02.092Z", "merchantAmount": 30.10, "merchantCategoryCode": "1234", "merchantCurrency": "USD", "status": "AUTHORIZED", "totalAuthorizedAmount": 30.10, "totalCapturedAmount": 0.00, "totalDisbursedAmount": 0.00, "totalRefundedAmount": 0.00, "walletProvider": "GOOGLE_PAY" }, "response": { "acquirerCode": "00", "acquirerMessage": "Approved", "gatewayCode": "APPROVED", "gatewayRecommendation": "NO_ACTION" }, "result": "SUCCESS", "sourceOfFunds": { "provided": { "card": { "brand": "MASTERCARD", "devicePayment": { "cryptogramFormat": "3DSECURE" }, "deviceSpecificExpiry": { "month": "1", "year": "39" }, "deviceSpecificNumber": "512345xxxxxx0008", "fundingMethod": "UNKNOWN", "number": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "scheme": "MASTERCARD", "storedOnFile": "NOT_STORED" } }, "type": "CARD" }, "timeOfLastUpdate": "2023-03-14T10:50:02.092Z", "timeOfRecord": "2023-03-14T10:50:01.625Z", "transaction": { "acquirer": { "batch": 20230314, "date": "0314", "id": "SYSTEST_ACQ_S2I", "merchantId": "12345678", "transactionId": "906660122" }, "amount": 30.10, "authenticationStatus": "AUTHENTICATION_NOT_IN_EFFECT", "authorizationCode": "112233", "currency": "USD", "id": "911988788", "receipt": "307310045467", "source": "INTERNET", "stan": "45467", "terminal": "1111", "type": "AUTHORIZATION" }, "version": "71" }
Example response in case of FPAN
{ "authorizationResponse": { "cardLevelIndicator": "88", "commercialCard": "888", "commercialCardIndicator": "3", "marketSpecificData": "8", "posData": "1025104006600", "posEntryMode": "812", "processingCode": "003000", "responseCode": "00", "returnAci": "8", "stan": "266773", "transactionIdentifier": "123456789012345", "validationCode": "6789" }, "gatewayEntryPoint": "WEB_SERVICES_API", "merchant": "TESTLOVECRAFTS2I", "order": { "amount": 756.96, "authenticationStatus": "AUTHENTICATION_NOT_IN_EFFECT", "certainty": "ESTIMATED", "chargeback": { "amount": 0, "currency": "USD" }, "creationTime": "2024-04-26T17:22:25.067Z", "currency": "USD", "id": "690869250", "lastUpdatedTime": "2024-04-26T17:22:27.202Z", "merchantAmount": 756.96, "merchantCategoryCode": "1234", "merchantCurrency": "USD", "status": "AUTHORIZED", "totalAuthorizedAmount": 756.96, "totalCapturedAmount": 0.00, "totalDisbursedAmount": 0.00, "totalRefundedAmount": 0.00, "walletProvider": "GOOGLE_PAY" }, "response": { "acquirerCode": "00", "acquirerMessage": "Approved", "gatewayCode": "APPROVED", "gatewayRecommendation": "NO_ACTION" }, "result": "SUCCESS", "sourceOfFunds": { "provided": { "card": { "brand": "VISA", "encryption": "DIGITAL_WALLET", "expiry": { "month": "1", "year": "39" }, "fundingMethod": "CREDIT", "issuer": "COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA", "number": "453224xxxxxx4180", "scheme": "VISA", "storedOnFile": "STORED" } }, "type": "CARD" }, "timeOfLastUpdate": "2024-04-26T17:22:27.202Z", "timeOfRecord": "2024-04-26T17:22:25.160Z", "transaction": { "acquirer": { "batch": 20240426, "date": "0426", "id": "CBA_S2I", "merchantId": "123456", "transactionId": "123456789012345" }, "amount": 756.96, "authenticationStatus": "AUTHENTICATION_NOT_IN_EFFECT", "authorizationCode": "266773", "currency": "USD", "id": "558397991", "receipt": "411717266773", "source": "INTERNET", "stan": "266773", "terminal": "CBAS2I02", "type": "AUTHORIZATION" }, "version": "81" }
Decrypting the payment token
You can choose to decrypt the payment token on your server instead of providing the payment token for decryption to the gateway. In this case, you must store the encryption credentials and execute the decryption.
Follow these steps to decrypt the payment token:
- On payment confirmation, submit the encrypted payment token returned by Google Pay to your server.
- Decrypt the payment token on your server using your private key. For more information on the decryption steps, see Payment data cryptography for merchants.
- If the decrypted payment token contains an FPAN, you can choose to authenticate the payer first before performing the transaction:
- To authenticate the payer, provide the following fields in the INITIATE AUTHENTICATION request.
order.walletProvider = GOOGLE_PAY
Google Pay mobile wallet provider.
Refer the following table.
For more information about how to authenticate the payer using 3DS, see 3D Secure Authentication.
- Provide the payment data keys from the decrypted token in the corresponding transaction fields in the AUTHORIZE, PAY, or UPDATE SESSION request. Refer the following table.
Table: Payment data keys and the corresponding API request fields with FPAN
Google Pay JSON Key Corresponding API Request Field Description pan
Card number (FPAN) of the card that funded this transaction. The payload contains an FPAN when the payer chooses to pay using a card saved to their Google Pay account. For card payments, capturing Card Security Code (CSC) is currently not supported by the Google Pay API.expirationMonth
Expiration month of the pan
Expiration year of the pan
- To authenticate the payer, provide the following fields in the INITIATE AUTHENTICATION request.
- If the decrypted payment token contains a DPAN, provide the payment data keys from the decrypted token in the corresponding transaction fields in the AUTHORIZE, PAY, or UPDATE SESSION request.
Do not attempt 3DS authentication if the payment token contains a DPAN. The gateway rejects the request as DPANs are not supported on 3DS authentication.
Table: Payment data keys and the corresponding API request fields with DPAN
Google Pay JSON Key Corresponding API Request Field Description pan
DPAN of the card that funded this transaction. expirationMonth
Expiration month of the pan
Expiration year of the pan
Cryptogram format. Set this to 3DSECURE. cryptogram
Cryptogram in 3DS format. eciIndicator
Electronic commerce indicator (ECI), if available. - In addition to the above fields, provide the following fields in the AUTHORIZE, PAY, or UPDATE SESSION request and submit it to the gateway:
transaction.source = INTERNET
Channel through which you received authorization for the payment for this order. The value
indicates that the payer initiated the payment online.order.walletProvider = GOOGLE_PAY
Google Pay mobile wallet provider.
(optional)Identifier of the mobile device used to initiate the payment.
Physical location of the device in relation to your business premises. The possible values are
. If you do not provide any value,PAYER_TERMINAL_OFF_PREMISES
is used.sourceOfFunds.type = CARD
Cardholder's name (optional).
ISO 4217 currency code for the transaction.
Order amount.
AUTHORIZE request example for decryption in your server
{ "apiOperation": "AUTHORIZE", "order": { "amount": "30.10", "currency": "INR", "walletProvider": "GOOGLE_PAY" }, "sourceOfFunds": { "provided": { "card": { "expiry": { "month": "01", "year": "39" }, "number": "5123450000000008", "devicePayment": { "cryptogramFormat": "3DSECURE", : { "onlinePaymentCryptogram": "IA/8pdiWftSsxpFT6wABoDABhgA=", "eciIndicator": "20" } } } }, "type": "CARD" }, "device": { "ani": "12341234" }, "transaction": { "source": "INTERNET" } }
The response is similar regardless of whether the decryption happens in the gateway or your server.
Testing your Google Pay integration
Follow these steps to test your Google Pay integration if you decrypt the payment token:
- Complete some test transactions. You can test your integration with the gateway in production using your test merchant profile and a supported DPAN or an FPAN. For more information, see Test with sample tokens.
- If you are testing a mobile wallet payment for card saved to your Android device, use a supported DPAN from the following table.
Table: Supported DPANs
Scheme DPAN Expiry Date Visa 4895370012003478 12/2028 American Express 370295136149943 12/2028 - If you are testing a card payment for card saved to your Google Pay account, use the supported FPAN from the following table.
Table: Supported FPAN
Scheme FPAN Expiry Date Visa 4111111111111111 12/2028
- If you are testing a mobile wallet payment for card saved to your Android device, use a supported DPAN from the following table.
- Get your integration approved by Google. Follow the instructions supplied by Google: Android integration checklist or Web integration checklist.
- When your integration is approved by Google, perform final production verification testing before going live.
To test your Google Pay integration if the gateway decrypts the payment token, use your production merchant ID in the API requests. The test merchant ID is unable to decrypt payment tokens.
If the response.gatewayCode
field indicates that the transactions are APPROVED or DECLINED, the gateway was able to process your test transactions successfully.
For testing the Google Pay Integration in MTF/TEST environments, see Test cards suite.
Testing Google Pay integration with gateway test data
You can test your integration with the gateway in production using your test merchant profile with a valid test card and provide the order amount value as provided in following table to get the expected simulated response.
Order amount | Response |
5656 |
Approved |
5757 |
Declined |
5858 |
5959 |
6161 |
Partially Approved |
6262 |
System Error |
6363 |
You must configure your app to use Google Pay sandbox environment with your gateway test merchant profile. When the payer selects a card in Google Pay, the app generates a payment token in test mode.
If the transactions are either APPROVED, DECLINED, or any other responses as per the order amount simulation, or based on the supported FPAN as provided by Google, then the gateway can process your test transactions successfully.
Google Pay with the Mobile SDK
The Mobile SDK helps you develop a mobile app that accepts Google Pay payments through the gateway. The gateway offers support for Google Pay through the Mobile SDK. Click here for the Mobile SDK integration guidelines for the Android platform.